Poor old Agent ‘Le Nusse’

There were some spectacular espionage failures during World War 1… The Suicide Club was one of the worst. British Army intelligence came up with the idea of placing agents behind enemy lines to supply information to advancing forces. There were two problems. The first was that the British weren’t advancing very far, and the second was the quality of the agents army intelligence was training. This one short report in the National Archives in London, tells of the fate of Agent Lefebvre – code name ‘Le Nusse’. He wasn’t much of a spy. He was flown across the German lines to Conde [near Mons] in 1917, where he settled down to an easy life. ‘Not very audacious’, was the British intelligence officer’s verdict – and unlucky in love, because he was denounced by ‘a woman of easy virtue who is the mistress of a German’. Poor Lefebvre. He probably appears on a war memorial in France somewhere. GHQ Intelligence report

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