Reviews of The Suicide Club

Three reviews of The Suicide Club. Barry Forshaw in The Financial Times, writes of an ‘adroit balance of elements’: ‘economical but utterly persuasive character drawing, a pungent sense of locale and period, and sheer storytelling impetus that is impossible to resist’. And Mike Ripley in his SHOTS column for November writes: ‘It is very fitting that this year of commemorations of the First World War should see one of the best historical spy thrillers of recent time… The Suicide Club is a dazzling mix of spy fiction and history ranging from the battlefields of Flanders to brothels in Antwerp to Lloyd George’s Downing Street, and certainly the best spy story I’ve read this year. Andrew Williams is elbowing his way into a place at the top table of spy-writers and could soon find himself dining alongside Le Carré, Deighton, Littell and Furst.’ Finally, Sarah Ward in Crimepieces: ‘The depiction of the network of spies in Belgium is compelling with a strong emphasis on the risks that people are facing under the constant threat of betrayal and reprisals. The characterisation is also excellent…As soon as I got the book, I wanted to read it which is a mark of the quality of Williams’s writing.’ Thanks to all!

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